monday man: day 93

Monday Man's been working full-time off the web and part-time on the web for a little too long now.  He's sorta in a rut.  Trying real hard to get the webthing going by doing it on a laptop on the train to and from work, and spending the few evening hours he has on it, he manages to put a pretty decent site out there.  But each time he works on it, and the joy of creativity fills his being, he also feels the frustration of having next to no time to put into it.

Sure - the non-web thing pays the bills, and Monday Man remembers what it was like before when he worked full-time for himself.  It was tough at times and the security that working for the big firm brings makes it hard to commit to a full-time change now.  But this webthing has potential and Monday Man knows what he can do when he sets his java-driven mind on it.  "More coffee - I need more coffee.", thinks Monday Man as he starts outlining his new business plan.  "I know this thing has potential."
