monday man: day 94

So, here we are.  It's now turned into Wednesday and Monday Man is busy trying to outline a business plan which will free him from the full-time non-webthing downtown.  He loves playing with his webthing but needs more time to make it what he envisioned when he started it.  He needs more time, and that means he needs to somehow make a full-time living doing it.

Somewhat dazed and confused about all of it, Monday Man, relying on the ongoing jolts that the java brings him, continues to wrack his brain trying to come up with his plan.  Offering design services to retailers in need of web presence could bring in some income to support his creative projects.  Monday Man is starting to think that maybe this thing could work.  He could hit the streets and knock on some doors and maybe, just maybe, pull this off.  As he's done so many times before, Monday Man must decide if he has the nerve to give it a shot.
