monday man: day 95

It's interesting how the mind works.  It's now Thursday and you've been following the thought processes of Monday Man as he comes out of the weekend into Monday and heading past hump day.  Monday Man wants to be free, but also wants to enjoy the benefits of making money and having a sense of security.  We're all in the same boat when it comes to dreaming about something different and better than what we have.  "The weekend is almost here" thinks Monday Man, as he starts reflecting on how everything's not nearly as bad as it seemed the last three days.

As far as the webthing goes, "it really ain't hurting", thinks Monday Man.  "I'm really happy with where it's going and despite all the time I don't have, I'm really lucky to have as much time as I do to put into my creative projects."  We're all in the same boat when it comes to reality checks, refreshed perspectives, and accommodating our changing feelings. We're all in the same boat, because, just like Monday Man, we're all human.  And when the time is right, change will come and Monday Man will be ready for it.
